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Useful Information
Useful Information
Please see below for general information relating to the structure and expectations here at Surf Coast Secondary College.
Daily Session Times
8:50am – 9:00am |
10 minutes |
SESSION 1 – Block 1 & 2 |
9:00am-10:36am |
2 x 48 minute sessions |
Recess |
10:36am-11:00am |
24 minutes |
SESSION 2 – Block 3 &4 |
11:00am – 12:36pm |
2 x 48 minute sessions |
Lunch |
12:36pm-1:19pm |
43 minutes |
SESSION 3 – Block 5 & 6 |
1:19pm-2:55pm |
2 x 48 minute sessions |
Compass Portal
Surf Coast Secondary College use Compass to:
- Communicate with families
- Accept payments and permissions
- Add attendance notes
- Access student reports
- Email your child’s teachers
- Update personal information
Our Administration Team are always happy to assist in the use of the Compass portal. You can contact the College via 03 5261 6633 or surf.coast.sc@education.vic.gov.au
Canvas at SCSC
Canvas supports teachers in delivering differential learning online. It is cloud based which enables students and teachers to access the tools they need for learning and teaching wherever they are. It also enables parents to be enrolled as an observer thereby providing access to student result, assessment tasks and course materials. Learn more about Canvas HERE.
Student Semester reports are available to view on Compass and are released the last day of Term 2 and Term 4. Learning Behaviours are reported at the end of Term 1 and 3. The reports are downloadable and can be printed at home.
Student Led Conferences
Student Led Conferences are held twice a year. A notification will be sent via Compass and parents/carers are able to book a session time for available teachers. Sessions are limited, so we suggest making your booking as early as possible. Please contact the school to cancel your booking if you are unable to attend
In Victoria, it is compulsory for children and young people aged 6–17 years to attend school. Parents are legally required to ensure their child attends school every day and to provide an explanation for their child’s absences. If your child is going to be absent from school or going to be late, please:
- Add an attendance/late/leaving early notice,
- Leave a message on the attendance hotline.
There is no need to contact the school unless your child is leaving early, and they are unaware of the early finish time.
If your child is late for school, they must report to the Administration Office to sign in before going to class, if they do not, Parent A will receive a notification at 10:00am.
Excursions, Incursions and Camps
To support and enhance the student learning experience at SCSC, extra-curricular incursions, excursions, camps, and external sporting events may be held throughout the year. Notifications for these events will be sent via Compass with:
- Event details,
- Cost (if applicable),
- Permission details.
Please check the requirements of your child’s event and provide consent and make payment (if applicable) by the closing date. In addition, a camp will require both consent online and additional hard copy forms prior to your child attending camp, all supporting documents (e.g.: packing lists, schedules additional forms) are available under the resources tab on Compass.
Camps, Sports & Excursion Funding (CSEF)
Parents/carers with a valid Healthcare Card may be eligible to claim CSEF of $225.00 per child, paid directly to the school yearly. This fund is to help support families pay for camps, sports and excursions for their children. If you wish to apply for CSEF you need to complete the form (available from the Administration Office) and provide a copy of your valid Healthcare Card. Applications without supporting documents are unable to be processed.
All uniform items are permitted to be worn daily. However, at times Formal or Active Uniform will be an expectation for students to wear. Students must own one full Formal Uniform and one full Active Uniform. If your child is unable to wear their uniform parent must either email their mentor teacher or give them a note and they will be issued a uniform pass. Students may receive a receive a uniform detention if they do not have a written explanation from their parent/carer. Further information and the Uniform Policy are available HERE.
Mobile Phone Policy
In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phone Policy, personal mobile phones must not be used at Surf Coast Secondary College during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted.
Mobile phones owned by students at Surf Coast Secondary College are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk. Students who use their mobile phones inappropriately at Surf Coast Secondary College may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s existing student engagement polices.
The Mobile Phone Policy extends to the Canteen. Students cannot use their phone to pay for items at the Canteen.
Sick Bay & Medication
All students are required to report to the sick bay and not contact parents/carers if they are feeling unwell for any reason. Our school nurse will assess the student and parents/carers will be contacted if necessary.
Anaphylaxis, asthma, allergy, epilepsy and diabetes management plans (updated annually) and associated medications, must be provided to the College and a medication authority form completed, signed and returned to the school nurse (with the exception of medications listed on anaphylaxis and asthma plans, as these do not need a medication authority form). Without this, staff, including the school nurse are unable to administer medications (except for life saving medicines).
Other medications that students may be required to take whilst at school will similarly require a completed medication authority form and the medication must be provided to the College. Only in circumstances where the Principal have given approval are students to carry their own medication with them. At all other times, medications are to be stored at the Administration Office.
For more information, please see our Administration of Medication Policy
If your child is diagnosed with a medical condition, please notify the school nurse so we can best support your child. You can contact the school nurse via schoolnurse@scsc.vic.edu.au
The canteen operates each school day unless otherwise notified. Counter sales are available at recess and lunchtime with menu items listed and changing daily. Students can attend the canteen prior to school or recess to order and pay for their lunch (no other lunch orders are available) and they will be given a fast pass which allows them to skip the line at the beginning of lunch. Payments can be made by cash or card. No mobile phone payments are accepted due to the Mobile Phone Policy at SCSC. More information can be found HERE.