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College Overview
Surf Coast Secondary College prides itself on providing its students with the knowledge, life skills and technical prowess required to succeed in a rapidly changing 21st century.
Long gone are the days when blackboards and theory constituted the majority of the school day, hence a key focus of Surf Coast Secondary College being the promotion and facilitation of independent and active learning.
The teaching staff at SCSC believes in the premise that the more actively a student participates, the more they will enjoy their studies, which more than often translates into higher grades and greater depth of learning.
We are a school that values the development of skills and attributes within our students that will prepare them extremely well to be independent, creative and critical thinkers.
“The main goal we have as a staff group is for SCSC to be the school of choice for all students in our neighbourhood area and I’m supremely confident that the current programs we have in place already meet this high ambition.”